
Showing posts from May, 2018

Water Current Turbines in Malaysia: Perspectives

Generation of energy using ocean water currents is one of the most important yet unexplored and neglected topic in Malaysia. Water current turbines are energy contributors which can reduce conventional  energy dependency  and decrease dependence on conventional fossil fuels in the country. In case of water current turbines, issue of space comes nowhere, what matters is the availability of optimum water currents and use of strong materials which are resistant to corrosion. What are Water Current Turbines River or ocean waters are constantly on the move. They usually flow in complex patterns affected by wind, water salinity, temperature, topography and the earth’s rotation. As for ocean currents most of them are driven by wind and solar heating of surface waters near the equator, while some currents result from density and salinity variations of the water column. Ocean and river currents are relatively constant at a point and flow in one direction While average ...